Assessment and Reporting
Continual Assessment: Pupil progress meetings are held with teachers and Senior leaders every term for every child.
Statutory SATS Tests and teacher assessment: at the end of Key Stage 2 ( Year 6) in Maths, English, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG)
Statutory moderation of writing.
Statutory Teacher Assessment in Science at the end of Key Stage 2.
Statutory Teacher Assessment in Maths, English and Science at the end of Key Stage 1 (year 2).
Statutory Test in Phonics at the end of Year 1.
Teacher Assessment in years 1, 3, 4 and 5 in Maths, English and Science.
Parent Teacher Consultations
Consultations take place in October and March for KS1 and KS2, EYFS hold their first parents evening in November.
Mid Year reports are sent out in Term 3, end of year reports in Term 6.
Procedure for Entry to Secondary Education (PESE)
For those pupils seeking places at Grammar School, the selection procedure takes place in September.