Collective Worship
St Mark’s is a Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School. Our Collective Worship is based on Christian Values and in line with the Beliefs and Practices of the Church of England.
Collective Worship
We hold a daily act of collective worship in our school. This forms part of each morning assembly. These assemblies are led as follows: –
Monday Whole school Act of Worship led by a SLT/teacher.
Tuesday Whole school Act of Worship led by a SLT/teacher.
Wednesday Whole school Act of Worship led by the Headteacher and a Church Leader.
Thursday Whole school Act of Worship led by a SLT/teacher..
Friday Whole school Celebration Act of Worship led by the School Council and
Headteacher presents certificates.
Our collective worship contributes to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils, as appropriate to their ages and aptitudes. For example
- It helps pupils’ spiritual development by teaching them about God and giving them the opportunity to worship Him together. It offers pupils the opportunity to hear about Him from the Bible, to develop their own relationship with Him through prayer and to reflect on themselves and their place in His world. It encourages silent reflection, helping children to recognise the spiritual dimension of life.
- It helps pupils’ moral development by taking time to become aware of different life values, teaching respect for other faiths, while developing a common ethos and shared values based on Christian standards.
- It promotes pupils’ social development by helping them feel part of a community and by reinforcing positive attitudes to others. Our worship will encourage participation and response, whether through active involvement in the presentation of worship or through listening to and joining in the worship offered.
- It helps pupils’ cultural development by drawing on our Christian heritage through the Bible and other key writings and through religious festivals and practices. Pupils are also given the opportunity to experience and respond to appropriate music, literature, art and artefacts.
The daily act of Collective Worship is Worship, Christian and Denominational. The Diocese of Rochester Collective Worship Framework addresses this in the following ways:
All acts of worship have a Bible story or Bible passage at their heart. Key ideas and key teaching from Christianity are always the focus. The intention is that the ideas should be developed with this in mind. Wherever possible links are made to the school’s core values. In a Church school, teachings and ideas from other faith traditions are best explored in RE or in a separate assembly rather than as part of an act of Christian worship. In this way, the celebrations and practices of everyone can be valued anad shared appropriately.
Element of Anglican liturgy have been incorporated into the framework in the form of biddings, blessings and a variety of prayers. The shape of the Church’s Year is reflected throughout the terms as follows
- Term 1 – Harvest
- Term 2 – Advent and Christmas
- Term 3 – Epiphany and Lent
- Term 4 – Easter
- Term 5 – Pentecost
- Each term includes a number of saints and notable Christians whose commemoration days fall during the particular period according to the Church’s calendar.
As a Church School our worship is planned to
- Cover all major Christian Festivals.
- Draw on Bible teaching, particularly in the form of stories.
- Make links to the school’s core values.
- Use the Lord’s prayer at least once a week.
- Be delivered in a variety of ways including music and song, story and discussion, a time for prayer and reflection.
- Allow pupils to play an active role in the planning and delivery of worship through the ‘Leading Lights’ programme.
Setting for Collective Worship
Care is taken to make the setting for the act of worship special for the occasion. Music is played as children enter and leave and symbolic artefacts (e.g. a lit candle) and table displaying liturgical colours are used as a point of focus for reflection.
Special Services and Church Links
We have strong links with St Mark’s Church and worship is lead weekly by either the Rev Claire Allwood or Crossteach. Other speakers from local or national organisations are occasionally used to introduce pupils to the wider community.
Special services are held in the church allowing pupils to participate in a Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Leavers service. Parents and Governors are invited to join us in these services.